It’s always a good time to grab a book, snuggle in somewhere with a warm drink or a glass of wine, however, autumn and more so winter are just made for it. In addition to the work that is done together with a coach, there is always room for extra self developement and expanding ones horizons. The following are some amazing books which will do just that.

1) Dr. Jenifer Ashton- The Self Care Solution. This is an easy to follow hands on guide, offering a years worth of monthly things to do, all of which are achievable. Things we are all very familiar with but, never put into practice. Each one is asigned a month, ie: Yoga in March, Drink more water in September, Journaling in January etc.
Dr. Ashton has put herself through the full years challenge and enlightens us with information on the science backed benefits of each one. In addition she presents it in such a way that it seems as though you have your bestie along side you at all times. This is currently my personal favorite.
The next one with which to give yourself a hug with is :

2) Elisabeth Gilbert – Big Magic. You may have read or seen the movie Eat, Pray, Love written by this same author, in which case you will know her style, and be eager to jump in. If this is your first taste of Elisabeth Gilbert I’m sure you’ll want more after this. A first hand account of her experiences as to how She awakened her creativity and rid herself of pain and stress that was most definately not serving her life. An excellent read, if you are looking for helpful advice for those times when you are feeling a little blue and overwhelmed.
Next up is a very useful food for thought book :

3) Shawn Achor – The Happiness Advantage. A book that delves into how society encourages us to believe their version of what true happiness is, it goes on to encourage us to question what we understand to be the meaning of real happiness and how we may achieve it. We are the designers of our happiness which ultimately manifests when we love and accept ourselves.
No self help/love library is complete without at least one book by the next iconic author in the field of self developement:

4)Brene Brown Ph. D – The Gifts Of Imperfection. Will give you a wonderful insight through brilliant storytelling, into strengthening self esteeem, which in turn establishes feelings of greater self worth, and whole hearted living. Much research has gone into the creation of this book in which the auther offers us “ten guideposts” to attain a life of authenticity and living the ultimate perfectly imperfect life.
Now more than ever there is a need to nurture feelings of self-worth, acceptance and love, the following book is a beautifully told story of one womans journey.

5) Glennon Doyle – Untamed. For those of you who may be posing the question “what’s it all about” in reference to the current state of your life, then this is an excellent choice. A true story written by a woman who threw caution to the wind, discarded all the societal norms choosing to do it her way, creating the life of her dreams, after realising that her life was not in anyway what she really wanted.
Self love is very often about the acceptance or in many cases non acceptance of ones body image:

6) Megan Jayne Crabbe – Body Positive Power. Equally inspirational as it is practical. A book which debunks the whole diet culture and the shocking world of eating disorders. Since forever, women have been willing to do anything to have the “perfect” body, they have been brainwashed into believing that once they have achieved that, once they hit that ridiculous weight loss goal, and finally atain the look which the media will have us believe is the path to ultimate happiness then all will be fine. This book also champions social changes as to what our bodies should be.
The above are just a few wonderful books to help put things back on a positive track. Afterall the longest relationship you will ever have is with yourself, the more we delve into the whys and wherefores the more we will believe that we deseve to love ourselves.
Here is an extra treat to cosy up with when the rain keeps you indoors:

I am currently reading this, so for now there is no review of it. I’d Love to know your views, if you choose to read it.
Thank you for making it this far, I truly hope that you have gotten some value from this review. I would really love to hear your thoughts on any of the books mentioned please feel free to contact me at You might also like to follow me on Facebook, where I post more self love content, and where you can connect with like minded people.